Fitting out London's finest buildings


Stars of the silver scheme

The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is a voluntary accreditation scheme that promotes best practice for commercial vehicle operators in terms of safety, efficiency and environmental protection. Brown & Carroll have long worked to standards above the legal minimum, having held FORS Bronze accreditation since 2014.

Now thanks to the hard work and dedication of our transport manager Chris Barker, plus our continued improvement via investment in safety specific equipment, we are proud to be confirmed a FORS Silver operator. Silver accreditation demonstrates that we achieve exemplary levels of best practice, now also meeting the requirements of the Standard for Construction Logistics and Community Safety (CLOCS) and TFL’s own Work Related Road Risk requirements (WRRR). Recently we added three modern Euro 6 vehicles, compliant with FORS & CLOCS to our fleet. Our older vehicles have been equipped with cameras, proximity sensors and audible warning devices, specifically designed to make cyclists, pedestrians and the driver more aware and visible to one another. With FORS Gold standard firmly in our sights, we plan to continue implementing further safety improvements.
